Aggregate Query Processing In Peer To Peer Networks With Synopsis

The Structure of Information Networks

(7) Decentralized Search in PeertoPeer Networks Recently, decentralized search has been applied to the problem of sharing files in a peertopeer network without a global index. Each host in the system holds a subset of the content, and requests must be routed to ....

2011 IEEE 12th International Conference on Mobile Data ...

Biblioteka Nauki jest prowadzona przez Centrum Otwartej Nauki, ICM UW | System oparty na platformie YADDA default, ver., rev. 41323 | © ICM UW ...

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In the first volume of this comprehensive twovolume handbook, the authors present several methodologies to support Big Data analytics including database management, processing frameworks and architectures, data lakes, query optimization strategies, towards realtime data processing, data stream analytics, Fog and Edge computing, and Artificial ......

raft package

Jun 15, 2021 · type Config struct { // ID is the identity of the local raft. ID cannot be 0. ID uint64 // ElectionTick is the number of invoions that must pass between // elections. That is, if a follower does not receive any message from the // leader of current term before ElectionTick has elapsed, it will become // candidate and start an election. . ElectionTick must be greater than // Heart...

On Spreading a Rumor | SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics ...

Jul 11, 2006 · (2009) An Efficient Gossip Based Overlay Network For PeerToPeer Networks. 2009 First International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, 6267. (2009) Information spreading in stationary Markovian evolving graphs....

Peter Triantafillou

P. Triantafillou, T. Pitoura, Towards a Unifying Framework for Complex Query Processing over Structured PeertoPeer Data Networks, VLDB '03 Workshop on Databases, Information Systems, and PeertoPeer Computing, September 2003....

Synopsis diffusion for robust aggregation in sensor networks

In recent years, researchers have investigated besteffort algorithms to efficiently process aggregate queries (, sum, count, average, minimum and maximum) on these networks....

International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC ...

Forthcoming articles have been peerreviewed and accepted for publiion but are pending final changes, are not yet published and may not appear here in their final order of publiion until they are assigned to issues. Therefore, the content conforms to our standards but the presentation ( typesetting and proofreading) is not ......

Configure an Aggregate Interface Group

An aggregate interface group uses IEEE link aggregation to combine multiple Ethernet interfaces into a single virtual interface that connects the firewall to another network device or firewall. An aggregate group increases the bandwidth between peers ....


Peertopeer network protocols or technologies allow individual nodes or devices to communie directly with other peers, and may be contrasted with infrastructurebased environments in which a required central node (, a server, a router, a switch, an access point) passes communiions between different nodes....

Interaction networks for identifying coupled molecular ...

Jul 15, 2015 · Microbial communities adapt to environmental conditions for optimizing metabolic flux. Such adaption may include cooperative mechanisms eventually resulting in phenotypic observables as emergent properties that cannot be attributed to an individual species alone. Understanding the molecular basis of crossspecies cooperation adds to utilization of microbial communities in industrial ......

Efficient way of Data Managing for Range Queries in ...

Using the peertree as a building block, we present a peertopeer query processing model where a query can be posed in any node of the network without the need of a central server....

Recently Active 'windowsupdate' Questions

Windows Update (WU), a service offered by Microsoft, provides updates for the Microsoft Windows operating system and its installed components, including Internet Explorer. This tag should be used exclusively for programming questions, not general issues with Windows updates or the Windows operating system; these questions should be directed to ......

A data stream is a sequence of elements Stream processing ...

030403 37 Lecture 15 Merged Data Streams Model Merged Data Streams Model Stream Processing Engine (Approximate) Answer Synopsis in Memory Data Streams Multiple data streams to a single party/agent • Arbitrary interleaving of streams • Same goals as before (per stream) Adapted from slides ©Rajeev Motwani 030403 38 Lecture 15 Distributed Data Streams Model Distributed Data Streams ....

Large Scale Data Shared by Peer to Peer Based System in ...

In this paper, we present BestPeer++, a system which delivers elastic data sharing services for corporate network appliions in the cloud based on BestPeer – a peertopeer (P2P) based data ......

Query Health: standardsbased, crossplatform population ...

Apr 03, 2014 · An alternative data source for query processing was also selected: ... like their existing distributed network, Query Health's simple aggregate counts can successfully provide valuable crosspractice insight with the added benefit of being a standardsbased technology solution. ... Provenance and peer review. Not commissioned; externally peer ......

Preferencedriven query processing

Efficient and effective routing of contentbased queries is an emerg ing problem in peertopeer networks, and can be seen as an extension of the traditional "resource selection" problem....

REQUEST+: A framework for efficient processing of region ...

Nov 01, 2013 · Our query processing scheme is also related to aggregate queries in sensor networks. Although many works have been proposed to process aggregate queries,,,,,,,, only a few works deal with grouped aggregate queries. In TAG, Madden et al. propose a grouped innetwork aggregation method. In this method, as climbing up the global routing ......


The tyre rubber crumb is replaced with fine aggregate partially, with 5%, 10%, and 15% replacement mixed with M40 grade of concrete. The rubber crumb is vulcanised first before mixing with concrete. The normal tyre rubber is also mixed with concrete to compare the results of vulcanised rubber concrete with normal rubber concrete and control ......

Distributed online aggregations | Proceedings of the VLDB ...

Aug 01, 2009 · DoA adaptively grows the number of processing nodes as the sample size increases. To further reduce the sampling overhead, the samples are retained as a precomputed synopsis over the network to be used for processing future queries. We also study how these synopsis can be maintained incrementally. We have conducted extensive experiments on ......

Efficient Distributed CQ Processing using Peers

In this manner, the peer is behaving exactly like a single CQS. In the second strategy, which we refer to as BUDDYHELP, the peer asks its buddy peers for "help" in processing the query. The buddy peers then process the query on behalf of the peer, and provide the peer with the results of the continuous query. Pervasive Continuous Queries...

Supporting Efficient Recursive Query Processing in DHTs

Abstract. Although various approaches have been proposed to process complex queries, such as range queries, join queries, aggregate queries and etc., in PeertoPeer data management research, we find currently there are no efficient techniques to support linear recursive queries, which is also one indispensable types of queries and exhibits crucial importance in many scenarios....

PostgreSQL: Documentation: : SELECT

WITH Clause. The WITH clause allows you to specify one or more subqueries that can be referenced by name in the primary query. The subqueries effectively act as temporary tables or views for the duration of the primary query. A name (without schema qualifiion) must be specified for each WITH query. Optionally, a list of column names can be specified; if this is omitted, the column names are ......

IEEE Dotnet Titles

Java Projects Synopsis. J2EE Project Titles. J2EE projects Synopsis. Dotnet Projects. ... EFFICIENT APPROXIMATE QUERY PROCESSING IN PEER TO PEER NETWORKS; ... KeyAggregate Cryptosystem for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage – Data Mining and Cloud Computing – ......